Diplomaticos Ammunition Edición Regional cigars

The cigar, which is distributed by Phoenicia Trading A.A., measures 5 9/10 inches (150mm) long with a 54 ring gauge, a robusto extra vitola known as the Geniales. The size was introduced in 2009 with the Montecristo Eagle, and has since been used for a number of Edición Regional releases as well as the Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo de San Juan, the H.Upmann Connoisseur B and the San Cristóbal Torreon.
The cigar is priced at $20 per stick at Beirut Duty Free shops and $22 per cigar in the rest of the duty free shops within Phoenicia Trading’s region. Outside the duty free stores, the cigar’s price varies significantly due to local taxes.
The cigar is limited to 10,000 boxes 10 cigars, a total run of 100,000 cigars.
As for the cigar’s name, it originated and was inspired by “the challenge, thrill, and resolve felt and experienced by hunters and poker players, dedicated to their passion, knowing of the gratitude for the accomplishment of success,” according to Hisham Lofti, commercial director of Phoenicia Trading A.A.
Phoenicia Trading Co. it the exclusive distributor of Habanos S.A. product to a vast number of countries in the Middle East and Africa.
