NEW: Cohiba Red Dot CIGARS

One of the most famous brands in the world.
After Castro took control of Cuba, he personally ordered that the finest Cuban cigars were rolled under that brand name for his use. Over time the cigars became available to a wider audience, and are now considered the top cigar manufactured in Cuba today. The Cohiba name originated from an earlier Cuban dialect used by the Taino Indians of Hispaniola, and was used as the word for cigar. Today, Cohiba still represents the highest-quality and uses the finest tobaccos Cuba has to offer.
'92' rated, Cohiba Red Dot is the Dominican-made iteration of the brand, and the only one made for the U.S. that can legally bear the trademark. Like its Cuban counterpart, Cohiba Red Dot uses only the finest tobaccos and the most qualified rollers. Finished with a West African Cameroon wrapper that gives this cigar a sweet and rich aroma that is medium to full-bodied, this stick is the product of five years of intensive research and blending efforts by General Cigar—makers of Punch, Partagas, and Hoyo de Monterrey.
